NMN is the most researched science-backed anti-ageing supplement that keeps your cells young by boosting NAD+ levels, your cells’ fuel. NMN is naturally-occuring in our bodies, it is needed to support a longer healthier life.

4 Ways to Defy Age

Our bodies naturally produce a molecule called NAD+ that supports vital cellular functions. Unfortunately, as you get older, NAD+ levels in your body naturally decrease. By the time you reach 50s, its levels will fall to half of your youthful levels. It declines faster when you are under stress, having poor sleep, in an obese state or with any type of disease.

Falling levels of NAD+ causes a decline in energy metabolism and cellular functioning. This, in turn, drives the aging process leading to age-related diseases that affect our appearance, immune system and body system, and even shortened lifespan.

Clinical Study has shown that, maintaining healthy NAD+ levels can Safeguard Cellular Integrity.

The Decrease of
NAD+ Levels
with Age

BetAging Mitigates Age-Related 
Diseases by increasing
NAD+ levels.

    BETAGING    Active Ingredients




The Ultimate NAD+ Booster


Pure taste of Italy with our 100% natural  Mixed Berry Extract that actively combat cellular damage and reduce inflammation within your body.

Acerola cherry has 30 times more vitamin C than oranges. Its antioxidant properties 
combat free radicals, reducing cell damage and slowing down the aging process.


Inulin is a soluble fiber found in plants that offers benefits such as supporting digestive 
health, promoting regular bowel movements, and acting as a food source for beneficial gut ​bacteria.


High antioxidants

Brain Health
Improving memory, focus, and cognitive performance

Heart Health 

Lower blood pressure, improve 
cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease

Boosts the immune system

Collagen booster

Improves skin tone & elasticity

Skin rejuvenation

Protects the skin from oxidative
stress and environmental 

Blood sugar control

Supports healthy gut microbiome

Improves skin tone & elasticity

Based off science & feedbacks

from MotoGene users. 

Here are the results you can expect


3 Months

Supplementing with 250 - 500mg of NMN daily enhances muscle function and mobility on elderly after 3 months.


15 Minute

NMN is quickly absorbed from the gut into blood circulation within 2–3 min and also cleared from blood circulation into tissues within 15 min. Short term results might manifest themselves in feelings of greater alertness and energy levels.

1 Month

NMN has been shown to increase blood NAD+ levels in humans, which is essential for cellular functions such as energy production, defense and repair. Our users reported improvement on:- Skin Brighter and firmer skin. Lightened dark spot and pigmentation. Strength Increased in energy and stamina.

14 Days

NMN regulates our biological clock. Our users feedback with experiencing deeper and quality sleep, followed by sharper mind, improved mental clarity, improved mood, feeling less stressed on the second week.

6 Months

Long-term NMN supplementation suppresses age-associated weight gain, enhances energy metabolism, improves insulin sensitivity and prevents age-linked changes in gene expression, improved mitochondrial function, improved neuronal function in the brain, and more. [2]

12 Months and beyond

After one year, your biological age may decline. You may feel (and look) younger and healthier. [3] David Sinclair, Harvard University’s noted anti-aging researcher, whose research on resveratrol, NAD+ and sirtuins is world renowned is taking NMN himself. His lipid profile has improved dramatically and he feels more energetic and that his blood markers, at his 50's, are closer to those of a 31-year-old.[4]








Visibile Results

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Motogene's BetAging NMN made of?

There are two common methods for manufacturing NMN:

  • Chemical synthesis: Labour-intensive and expensive, this method creates a high yield and allows for careful control of starting materials, though none are sourced from biological systems. It uses environmentally-damaging solvents and impurities and byproducts in the finished product can be difficult to remove.
  • Enzymatic synthesis: This option is expensive, but produces a higher yield and very high purity. It’s considered a green preparation method for the production of NMN.

Motogene's BetAging NMN is made of Enzymatic synthesis. Our products are tested with Microbiology Analysis and Heavy Metal Analysis (lead, mercury, Arsenic), carried out by third party labs to ensure consumption safety. A high quality NMN is the reason most of our consumers experience their first effect as quickly as 14 days of consuming Motogene NMN.

The first human safety trial of NMN in humans was published in 2019 and showed that a single dose of up to 500mg was tolerable.NMN has been proven safe in high dosages up to 1.2g a day in human clinical studies. However if you experience nausea, diarrhoea, flushing, stomach discomfort and indigestion. You can start with low dose of 250mg and gradually increase dosage after a week.

The minimum dose of NMN is 250mg per day, any amount lesser than 250mg has proven to be no effect according to research from most scientists. It takes about 9 days for NMN to build up the NAD+ reservoir. Take your NMN in the morning on an empty stomach to sync your NMN consumption with your Circardian rhythms (our body's inner clock). If you're younger than 35, you can start with 250mg/day and after 1-2weeks increase to 500mg to see what feels better. If you're older than 35, start with 500mg/day, then increase to 1g to see what feels better.

Yes. Dr David Sinclair takes NAD+ booster such as NMN when he arrives in a new timezone. NAD+ helps boost the activity of your SIRTUIN genes, which drive the circadian rhythms, your body's master "clock." Altered NAD+ levels may be the root cause of jet lag and the overall loss of energy we experience as we age. Circadian clock regulate processes such as

  • Sleep/wake cycles
  • Hormonal activity
  • Body temperature rhythm
  • Eating and digesting

Yes, we are fully GMP compliant. We are also Halal certified by Jakim as well as HACCP, MeSTI and ISO. Our stringent quality standards are why we have over 80% return customer.

Yes! All of our products are vegan, gluten-free. No binders and preservatives except BetMuscle.